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Soda Theme(UDID用户) - 1.0

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3.84/5 (483 votes).

[25元、$4]这是Soda第一个主题,风格比较偏向小清新,自带770多个图标(四种风格)、9个遮罩、两款设置界面、一款UI、一款状态栏、一款控制中心! 停止更新!(付款加QQ/WX:727641715)感谢对我的支持,我也会做得更好!

This is the first theme of Soda, the style is relatively small and fresh, with more than 770 icons (four styles), 9 AE, two settings, a UI, a state bar, a control center! Suspend update!

安装好主题之后进入Anemone,找到分组Soda Theme,打开勾选要使用的主题加载并且注销

After installing the theme, go to Anemone, find the grouping Soda Theme, open the check to load and log out the theme you want to use


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